Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Non Crafty Rant!

OK. So here it is!

I love the Washington Capitals! I have loved them since before "Rock the Red" ever came about(mostly because their colors went to blue and white for a while)! I went to games and sat almost alone in some sections! With the loudest fans being the ones for the opponents!

I AM CRUSHED!!! The Washington Capitals have crushed me!! A number one seed just lost to a number 8 seed! And that occured after the number one seed led the best of seven series 3 - 1!!!!

I AM DEVASTATED!! I feel let down again! I want to believe oh Great Eight Ovechkin! Where did you guys go??? TED, BRUCE??? Is anybody out there?????

Destroyed, crushed, disenchanted, disgusted, bitter, betrayed, spent!

I am over you! You are like a bad boyfriend who keeps calling and saying it will work this time! It didn't!

Were not talking puppy love here! I am devoted! I still root for the Cincinnati Reds and it's going on 20 years since they went to a championship! I mean I can be strung along for a while!!!

But I am sure that when the summer days begins to fade you will be calling me again. Asking me out, telling me it will work this time! But...

your guess is as good as mine whether that number you have will be disconnected!!!!!


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